Automated Install of Trumpet Winsock TCP/IP with Windows for Workgroups 3.11 June 3, 1994 INTRODUCTION This are instructions on how to use the enclosed OEMSETUP.INF and WINPKT.BAT files to install Trumpet Winsock TCP/IP over Windows for Workgroups 3.11 using the Network Setup program. This avoids manually editing the system.ini, protocol.ini, and (perhaps) other files. This is *only* for Windows for Workgroups 3.11. If you are already running the MS TCP/IP-32 for Windows(TM) for Workgroups 3.11 (found at in \peropsys\wfw\tcpip\vxdbeta) you might question your sanity. You'll have to remove that first. If you want to do SLIP, this isn't for you either. DISCLAIMER Installation and use of this OEMSETUP.INF and WINPKT.BAT are strictly and entirely at your own risk. These are presented as is, and no warranty is either expressed or implied. If you choose to use these software and procedures, then you are solely responsible for any and all problems and/or damages, immediate or consequential. If there is an existing winsock.dll file in the windows directory (from a different TCP/IP package) you may wish to copy or rename it; it will be replaced (as will services, hosts, protocol, and other files listed in OEMSETUP.INF). FILES OEMSETUP.INF -- contains information for Network Setup to install this WINPKT.BAT -- automatic determination of interrupt used by DIS_PKT.DOS DIS_PKT.DOS -- NDIS to packet driver shim DIS_PKT.ASM -- documentation for DIS_PKT.DOS, FYI README.TXT -- this file The latest Trumpet Winsock can be obtained by anonymous FTP at a number of sites. These instructions were tested using version 1.0b6, found at in /pub/trumpet/winsock/pre-release. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Put these files (OEMSETUP.INF, WINPKT.BAT, and DIS_PKT.DOS) on the same diskette or in the smae directory as the Trumpet Winsock distribution files. 2. Launch Network Setup (probably in the Network group). 3. Click [Drivers] button. 4. Click [Add Protocol] button. 5. Select "Unlisted or Updated Protocol" and click [OK] button. 6. In the dialog asking for network-provided driver disk, click [Browse] to find the directory where you've put all the files (step 1). Note: if you just type in the path to the files, it will ask again for each file, so use the [Browse] button. When the path is set, click [OK], and it should list "Trumpet TCP/IP". Click [OK] to accept it. 7. If you get a message like "Setup error 320. You have selected a real-mode protocol . . ." follow their instructions; remove the current NDIS driver and install the real mode one (NDIS2) or the "Real Mode and Enhanced Mode NDIS Driver (NDIS2/NDIS3)". 8. Exit dialogs (click [Close] then [OK]), and let Network Setup do its stuff. 9. You might wish to not let Network Setup reboot, but check your AUTOEXEC.BAT to see that "net start" and "call winpkt.bat" are where you want them (before Windows is started, but perhaps after anything else you want to run or load first). You might also check your CONFIG.SYS. On one system where I had removed device=ifshlp.sys (and therefore WfWG was not doing networking), it was not added by this procedure (one shouldn't expect it to!) 10. Reboot. 11. Note the vector where winpkt gets installed. 12. Start Windows. WfWG should be working. 13. Run TCPMAN (found in the Windows directory), and enter your IP address, netmask, gateway, etc. Be sure to put the vector number reported by winpkt in "Packet Vector". Close TCPMAN. Test by running any and all winsock applications. HELP If you have problems, try posting to alt.winsock or comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc or Also see the installation instructions provided with Trumpet Winsock. Please don't write the people listed below with questions; we're getting too much mail already. However, send corrections and additions to these instructions to Also, if you get this working on a machine with a token-ring, please write to The dis_pkt.dos shim doesn't seem to work for me on token-ring. Same procedure is fine on machine with an ethernet adapter. CREDITS The original OEMSETUP.INF was by B. Armstrong ( Douglas W. Jones ( modified it and wrote the WINPKT.BAT. C. J. Sacksteder ( compiled these notes; corrections by Douglas Jones. Of course, don't forget Peter Tattam, writing great software for reasonable cost. REGISTER IT!